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Man kills and eats son's rival

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This news happened three towns away from my city.

The man in the story killed and ate parts of the flesh of his son's rival.



Rumors say when he was asked by the media what he had to say about what he did, all he replied was (in vernacular though) "human flesh is more difficult to cook, unlike pork or beef that cooks easily."

What a very, very sick man.

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There was a ship that sailed from Nantucket to the South Pacific in the 1820's which got attacked by a whale. Some of the crew rowed to South America about 4000 miles away, and there was some cannibilism involved. Some say Melville's novel was inspired by this event.

One of the survivors was asked if he knew Starbuck, a common name for Nantucketers at the time. He replied, "know him, I ate him"! :P

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There was a ship that sailed from Nantucket to the South Pacific in the 1820's which got attacked by a whale. Some of the crew rowed to South America about 4000 miles away, and there was some cannibilism involved. Some say Melville's novel was inspired by this event.

By the way, thanks for mentioning this. I'd never heard it before, so I found a book about it and added it to my reading list.

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What a very, very sick man.

Really very sick, like the Jeffery Dahmer incident, although there are cases that drive a person to cannibalism in order to survive. The Donner case and the Andes plane crash come to mind.
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