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Everything posted by Wino

  1. Bob stated, "Not sure of the derivation of the term, but throughout my lifetime I've heard the term "third-rate" to describe something that's not very modern, cheap, or lowbrow." The same can be said of "second-rate." I am not sure of the derivation of "second-rate" but imagine it is because it is not number one. With the globalization of the world, it seems we will be split in two, the haves and the have-nots.
  2. Rich and powerful people are able to work wonders. I hear the Royal Family of England are not very brainy, but seem to go to the right schools. JFK junior had a little trouble passing his law exams, but somehow managed.
  3. I predict Coakly the winner. Obama was smart to rattle the base and get out the vote. I would hate to see health care reform go this far and be shot down at this late date.
  4. Powerful men seem to get what they want, no matter if they are married, if they do it with the hired help, or if the sex act is performed in the oval office. The careful ones do it more discreetly. JFK was able to do almost anything without the press knowing and same with FDR. Those were different times.
  5. dirtyferang17 stated, "my favourite thai foods are pad thai, green curry, cracked black pepper crab, whole fried fish, penang curry the list could go on i love it all." Those are some of my favorites, as well. The seafood in Thailand is great. I believe many farangs choose to retire in Thailand because of the good food.
  6. Staying up to 3 AM is worth it to watch a good game. Lucky most are retired and can take an afternoon siesta.
  7. I bet Beer Chang likes to live dangerously. Why not talk to a friendly drunk when he starts a conversation and go as far as shaking hands? Nothing that a little soap and water cannot cure.
  8. Recycling phone numbers is common practice for phone companies. With the expanding population and demand, even land line numbers are in demand. Ma Bell sometimes has to start a new area code in a metropolitan area in order to have enough numbers.
  9. I sometimes hate to see these bloopers on TV. Kids falling off swingsets, skaters, and bikers making crash landings while trying to do tricks. No blood and guts shown, but I can imagine the hurt.
  10. I was hoping the guy would be in a hurry and speed away. Not sure what I would have done if he slowed down, too. That gun looked real and with so many nuts out there, I am not sure what would have happened.
  11. A website would be great and probably bring in more business. I guess the organizers are not that organized.
  12. I am not fond of velcro because it wears out quickly. Many people with disabilities like it, because it makes dressing themselves so much easier.
  13. Not sure why The Nation is reporting Pattaya's accidents. I guess it was a slow news day.
  14. Lvdkeyes stated, "Why are they only inviting women? They would draw an even bigger crowd if they invited men as well. " To get back to the statement that sparked this latest discussion, I believe you misread the article. The organizers welcome both men and women. They are inviting women in bikinis in order to break a Guinness record for the biggest “Gathering Of Bikini Fashion.†I guess to be politically correct, they could also invite katoeys and cross-dressers, but what is the point?
  15. If Coakly can't win in the most democratic state in the union, then something is going on. Let us remember Mit Romney was elected governor of Massachusetts. Seems Obama is worried.
  16. Since GW graduated from Yale, what does that say about that fine institution? I am sure the answer will be, "daddy bought him the diploma."
  17. I am not sure most American's would even know those acronyms. Remember all of those smart people on Jay Leno's, "man on the street" skit. Maybe most educated Americans or more informed Americans, would be safer to say.
  18. This doctor's malpractice insurance will be sky-high, but I would feel better if the state would pull his liscense.
  19. Speaking of sex addiction treatment, I wonder if Bill Clinton secretly sought help? Any speculation?
  20. Very true. Good handwashing after using the bathroom is essential. I feel it is especially so, when you use the "squirter."
  21. I have had Thais call my cell phone and I have had the same number for three years. Not sure if it is simply a wrong number or due to the recycled phone number issue.
  22. Favre is going to have his hands full with the Saints. I would like to see the Vikings take it but really doens't matter. I just like to see a good game.
  23. It might be more common in the US than you think. I was driving on the highway in the suburbs of Chicago. I had a guy point a gun at me because he thought I cut him off. Talk about road rage! I slowed down and the guy sped off.
  24. Slant those statistics anyway you want. The fact is where there are beautiful women, the men will follow.
  25. It is much wiser to stay legal, if possible. Who wants to end up in an immigration jail. Better to play it safe. In my situation, the choices were limited. I gambled and it turned out alright.
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