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About Jamie-nangrong

  • Birthday 09/19/1955

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Nangrong, Buriram
  • Interests
    Photography, reading, keep fit, writing

Jamie-nangrong's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. has not set their status

  2. When people, mainly movie stars etc say ''it's like really good, or it's like nice''....it's not ''like'' it either is or isnt. Another irritant is...''at this moment in time'' of course it is! An elaborate way of saying nothing. Have you ever watch Star Trek? At the beginning it says...''to boldly go where no man has gone before'' then the movie starts and when they get to where they are going there is always someone there!!!! In any case we don't boldly go we go boldly (we don't quickly run we quickly) but thats Americans for you, ruining the English language ;-)
  3. Apart from the beautiful eyes and smile it's the caring attitude. Sex is sex where ever you go but the Thai lady is the perfect wife simply because of the caring attitude.
  4. Whats a retirement visa and what different types of visa are available?
  5. My wife is Thai and we have a home all bought and paid for in Thailand. I presently work in Middle East but at some time would obviously like to settle down with my wife and family in Thailand. I've heard so many conflicting comments. What is the proper legal options?
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